The Designer's Guide to Overprojection

Projecting light on printed ink

The Designer’s Guide to Overprojection gives an extensive insight into different possibilities of projecting on top of another colored surface. How bright is red if it is projected onto a red surface instead of a white one? What happens if you project red onto a green or blue surface?

Overprinting is a printing technique with which one color is printed over another causing the colors to mix. With minimal means this process can result in subtle and beautiful nuances or color mixes.

Traditionally, a guidebook on this subject was a must-have that resided on every designer’s bookshelf. Now, with digital media, screens and projections, the materiality and nuances of color have disappeared. Instead of mixing color pigments we are mixing light ➝ RGB.

Based on the principle of combinatorics, three large posters are hung on the wall, each containing a different shape in a different color.

Over the posters, there is a projection with permutations of a fixed set of shapes and colors. The shapes are rectangular, triangular and circular, executed in RGB colors. The permutation in the guide introduces roughly 60 different stages. The subtle effects and changes inspire the visitors to carefully watch how the installation evolves.


  • Concept
  • Client